SEND and Local Offer
Shinfield St Mary’s CE Junior School prides itself on being an inclusive, nurturing environment where all children can thrive. Love and inclusively is at the heart of our vision, ‘As I have loved you, so you must love one another.’ John 13, 34
We offer a graduated approach to Special Educational Needs, so there is a huge range of ways that we meet the needs of our children. We begin with a focus on Quality First Teaching with adaptions and differentiation to respond to the individual needs of all pupils with the mainstream classroom setting. We provide group or individual provisions as part of our 'Assess, Plan, Do, Review' cycle.
When needs are more complex and required increased support in a variety of areas, or the support of an external agency (such as: behaviour support, CAMHS, CYPIT) then a child could require a school ILP.
These ILP’s will be written, reviewed and shared with parents and carers at three points in the year:
Autumn Term – shared following Parents’ Evening one.
Spring Term – Shared following Parents’ Evening two.
Summer Term – Shared following the child’s report, moving with them to the next year group.
At our site we have a dedicated SEND classroom space, 'The Den' - where our Nurture sessions take place.
We are in the process of expanding our SEND resource with a new playground classroom and nurture space within a recycled and repurposed double-decker bus!
Our SENDCo: Mrs Beth Webster
For all enquiries please use the email:
Our SEND Governor is:
Mrs Charlotte Parsons:
Our SEND Provision & The Local Offer:
Our local offer can be found here - which provides details about what we offer at Shinfield St. Mary's Junior school
Our SEND Policy:
More information can also be found in our SEND Policy