Our Governors
Governors work together to carry out their core functions:
- ensuring there is clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction
- holding executive leaders to account for the educational performance of the organisation and its pupils and the performance management of staff
- overseeing the financial performance of the organisation and making sure its money is well spent
- ensuring the voices of stakeholders are heard
Governors must also ensure that the governing body complies with all legal and statutory requirements. Governors should seek the advice of the clerk to the governing board and other professional advice as appropriate.
Mrs Jessica Dye - Chair of Governors, Local Authority Governor and Lead Governor for Looked-After Children and Pupil Premium
Mr Neil Manthey - Parent Governor, Lead Governor for Computing
Mrs Charlotte Parsons - Foundation Governor and Lead Governor for SEND, and Able Gifted and Talented.
Mr Barrie Gilmour - Parent Governor, Chair of the Resources Comittee and Lead for Health and Safety
Mr Paul Gibson - Foundation Governor and Lead Governor for Safeguarding
Rev Nigel Beer - Foundation Governor
Miss Jacqueline Rance, Foundation Governor
Mrs Philippa Healy - Ex Officio Governor
Mrs Samantha Lawless - Staff Governor
Mrs Beth Webster - Staff Governor
Sue Roberts Clerk to The Governors