Collective Worship
Collective Worship is integral to the ethos of our school. As a school with strong Christian foundations we value this special time daily, when we come together to explore, discuss and reflect on Christian faith.
Our collective worship not only focusses on key Christian festivals such as Christmas, Easter and Lent the children but children also have an opportunity to think about significant festivals and events of other key religions (eg Divali, Hannukah) and when possible hear from leaders of other faiths.
We enjoy a close relationship with St Mary’s Church and the Shinfield Baptist Church. Worship led by these groups including monthly Open the Book performances is always well received. We also hold regular school services at St Mary’s church and this enriches the experiences of our children within collective Worship.
Our termly themes are based on the Big question posed for the whole school and a wide variety of appropriate resources, including those produced by the Oxford Diocese are used to support the children’s understanding of the Christian values of the school, other faiths and the development of their own spirituality whilst encouraging them to develop their own thoughts around their faith.
Whilst our collective worship is planned to be inclusive of all members of our school community we recognise that Parents/Carers have the right to withdraw their child from Collective Worship.