Uniform is worn at our school to develop a sense of pride in being a member of our very special school community. We ask that you help us to maintain this high standard and ensure your child is appropriately dressed.
Our aim is for uniform to be affordable for all members of our school community. We sell items shown followed by * from the School Office via your Scopay account. However, suitable alternatives are acceptable for all items except our sweatshirts and cardigans which display our logo.
As part of our drive for sustainability, our PTA runs a very popular secondhand uniform shop. Items can be viewed on the Shinfield St Mary’s Junior School PTA group on Facebook.
Donations of school uniform can be made in the brown bin outside reception.
Winter Uniform:
- Grey skirt, pinafore or trousers
- White polo shirt with or without school logo*
- School navy cardigan with* or without logo or school navy sweatshirt with* or without logo
- Sensible black shoes (no canvas shoes)
- Grey or navy tights or socks
Summer Uniform:
- Grey shorts, skirt or long trousers
- White polo shirt with or without school logo*
- Navy and white checked school summer dresses
- School navy cardigan with* or without logo or school navy sweatshirt with* or without logo
- Sensible black shoes (no canvas shoes)
- Grey or black socks or tights until the warmer weather, when white ankle socks can be worn
Hair accessories:
Please make sure all hair accessories are navy, black or white. All shoulder-length/long hair must be tied back for safety and hygiene reasons.
Physical Education Kit:
Shinfield St. Mary’s Physical Education kit is compulsory and consists of the following:
- Navy blue T-shirt with school logo*
- Navy blue shorts with no logo*
- School sweatshirt or school cardigan* (or plain equivalent)
- Navy blue jogging bottoms with no logo*
- Black jogging bottoms with no logo (not available to be purchased through the school)
- Navy blue leggings with no logo – full length (not available to be purchased through the school)
- Black leggings with no logo – full length (not available to be purchased through the school)
- Navy blue skorts*
- Trainers
The following items are not accepted as part of our school P.E. kit for safety reasons:
- Hooded jumpers
- Zip tops
*Items available to purchase through the school office. Alternative jogging bottoms and skorts may be purchased from other suppliers, but they need to be identical to those sold by the school. (We buy them from Marks and Spencers).
PE Kit can be purchased through the school office. All pupils should bring their kit to every P.E. lesson even if they are not going to be actively involved as a performer. If a pupil is injured or unwell, a signed note from the parent or guardian must be provided to the class teacher or a message relayed through the School Office. Pupils who are excused will still need to change into P.E. kit as they will be involved in the learning process through the role of a coach, umpire, referee or leader.
It is advised that students wear shin pads and mouth guards during hockey lessons on the MUGA. Studded boots during tag rugby and football lessons on the grass field are also advised.
Outdoor Wear:
All children will need a warm winter coat during the colder months.
All children will need a PE bag* and school bookbag*
The only jewellery permitted in school is a watch and a small pair of plain silver or gold stud earrings or jewellery with religious significance, or that worn for an allergy alert purpose.