Equality Statement
Our vision for Equality
Our vision at Shinfield St Mary’s Junior School is centred around equality and inclusion, therefore we are committed to equality of opportunity in line with the Equality Act of October 2010.
We are committed to:
• Eliminate discrimination, harassment and victimisation on the basis of any of the protected characteristics;
• Advance equality of opportunity between people who share a relevant protected characteristic and persons who do not share it;
• Foster good relations between people who share a relevant protected characteristic and persons who do not share it.
This commitment applies to our work in the classroom; our pupil support systems; our recruitment and retention of staff and our work in the local and wider community.
We promote the principles and practices of equality and justice throughout the school and we aim to be a school where everyone:
• is respected and respects others;
• Takes part in the life of the school;
• Achieves to their potential;
• Develops skills essential to life;
• Exercises choice;
• Celebrates cultural diversity.
As an employer we will not discriminate on any of the following:
• Age;
• Disability;
• Gender or/and re-assignment;
• Race;
• Religion and belief;
• Sex;
• Sexual orientation;
• Marriage and civil partnership.
Nor as a school or employer will we accept any of the following:
• Direct discrimination;
• Indirect discrimination;
• Associative discrimination;
• Harassment;
• Harassment by a third party;
• Victimisation.
As a school, we take our responsibilities under the Act very seriously. When writing and reviewing policies and School Development Plan and in our performance management process, we considerand have due regard to our responsibilities.
The school will tackle three issues relating to equality through our Three-Year Strategic Plan:
School Equality Objectives 2022-2025
1. To improve the effectiveness of quality first teaching in order to accelerate progress for all groups of learners
2. To develop a broad and balanced curriculum that is rooted in our Christian vision. Threads from our vision are evident in all subjects and drive all that we do.
3. To create a therapeutically healthy approach to behaviour that promotes strong mental health.